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Madison Metropolitan School District

Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

You Are Always Welcome At Schenk Elementary!

All parents of Schenk families are automatically members, and there are NO FEES!  

Please contact for more information.

We strive to provide a welcoming atmosphere and we encourage you to visit and tour our school. Students and staff would love to talk with you about the learning which takes place at Schenk. We encourage you to talk with parents of our students to learn more about our school. For updates and more information you can also visit us on Facebook

Contact your PTO officers for more information:

Please contact for more information.

  • President: Isabel Spooner-Harvey
  • Vice President: Sara Brelie
  • Treasurer: Vacant
  • Secretary: Amber Quamme
  • Principal: Amy Tranel

Events, Projects & Fundraisers

Growing The Schenk School Garden

We have the opportunity to have a dedicated garden educator at Schenk through the ROOTED Farm to School Americorps program! This would help the school to engage more teachers and students with the school garden space – and incorporate more garden and outdoor education into the school day. It would also help build capacity through garden volunteer facilitation – and grow connections to community artists, builders, and gardeners who might be able to donate time, materials, and expertise to the garden. The Americorps garden educator could also work with teachers to imagine new and creative ways to use the space. The cost of the program for one year is $3000. It costs an additional $500 to have the educator continue through the summer months.

Please consider making a donation to the Schenk School Garden “Farm to School” program via the Schenk PTO!

Meetings and Minutes

2024-2025 Meetings

  • Next Meeting: Tuesday, October 1st, 2024

2023-2024 Meetings

2023-2023 Meetings

We invite your input

We hope to find ways to help our community now and as we look forward into a future where we can safely be together. If you have ideas, suggestions, or feedback, please reach out.

Please contact for more information